Law Office of  Daniel Corno​


Today, we had a Misdemeanor Interfering with Public Duties case dismissed in Galveston County. We wish our Client much success in all of his future endeavors.

Hoy se desestimó un caso de delito menor por interferencia con las funciones públicas en el condado de Galveston. Deseamos a nuestro cliente mucho éxito en todos sus proyectos futuros.

**Every case is different and results cannot be guaranteed.

**Cada caso es diferente y los resultados no se pueden garantizar.


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immigration residency citizenship work permit deportation traffic tickets in Pasadena

What News


Monday, we divorced a Client from her husband who has been incarcerated since 2018 and is supposed to remain there for around another 15 years.

The week before, we had the government agreed to relief for a Client in front Immigration Court at the Houston Immigration Court. She needs to wait on the availability of the visa in order for the judge to rule on the agreement of Legal Permanent Residency.

We wish the best to our Clients and their loved ones.

**Every case is different and results cannot be guaranteed.
El lunes divorciamos a una Cliente de su marido, que ha estado encarcelado desde 2018 y se supone que permanecerá allí unos 15 años más.

La semana anterior, el gobierno acordó de alivio para un cliente ante el Tribunal de Inmigración de Houston. Necesita esperar la disponibilidad de la visa para que el juez se pronuncie sobre el acuerdo de Residencia Legal Permanente.

Deseamos lo mejor a nuestros clientes y sus seres queridos.

**Cada caso es diferente y no se pueden garantizar los resultados.​



We just had his case, terminated by an immigration judge.

Acabamos de que un juez de inmigración desestimara su caso.

he Law Office of Daniel Corno, is open today and plans to be open during this time, as much is feasible, weather permitting, road conditions, power and other related services.

La Oficina Legal de Daniel Corno está abierta hoy y planea estar abierta durante este tiempo, tanto como sea posible, si el clima lo permite, las condiciones de la carretera, la energía y otros servicios relacionados.​